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In order to access the client API endpoints you need to identify yourself. Unless you're using the none authentication method, you'll need to create a CLIENT token and add an Authorization header using the token.

Client registration


Registers a client instance with the unleash server. The client should send all fields specified.

"appName": "appName",
"instanceId": "instanceId",
"sdkVersion": "unleash-client-java:2.2.0",
"strategies": ["default", "some-strategy-1"],
"started": "2016-11-03T07:16:43.572Z",
"interval": 10000


  • appName - Name of the application seen by unleash-server
  • instanceId - Instance id for this application (typically hostname, podId or similar)
  • sdkVersion - Optional field that describes the sdk version (name:version)
  • strategies - List of strategies implemented by this application
  • started - When this client started. Should be reported as ISO8601 time.
  • interval - At which interval, in milliseconds, will this client be expected to send metrics