
Contributions welcome!

Here are some notes about common tools and tasks you’ll run into when working on unleash-client-python.


  • Pyenv for managing Python versions.

  • ruff for linting.

  • black for formatting.


  1. Activate your virtualenv solution (e.g. source activate YOUR_VIRTUALENV).

  2. Run linting & tests: make test

Running Tox locally

  1. Install Python versions for each supported version.

  2. Deactivate your local virtualenv (if it’s activated).

  3. Run pyenv local 3.10.X 3.9.Y 3.8.Z 3.7.12 (inserting appropriate patch versions).

  4. Run make install to get latest local dependencies.

  5. Run make tox to run tox.

Using devcontainer

This SDK ships with a devcontainer to make local (or cloud!) environment fast & easy!

Upgrading the Client Specification Tests

This SDK implements tests for the Unleash Client Specifications, when adding a new feature set that’s covered by the client specs, it’s a good idea to also upgrade the client specifications. This can be done by updating the CLIENT_SPEC_VERSION constant found in UnleashClient/ This constant should match the latest tag in the Client Specifications repository.


  1. Land all your PRs on main!

  2. If new configuration is added, update Flask-Unleash config.

  3. Update and other documentation.

  4. Create tag on main branch.

  5. Create new Release in Github and paste in changelog.

  6. Github Actions workflow will automagically publish to Pypi and build documentation.

  7. Publish new Flask-Unleash package (if necessary).


Serving docs from WSL!

docker run -d --name unleash-docs --rm -v `pwd`/_build/html:/web -p 8080:8080 halverneus/static-file-server:latest